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Food in China – Questions

Highlight the correct answer for each question.


1) How often do Chinese people buy fresh vegetables and fruit?

2) Chinese food consists of which four food groups?
grains, vegetables, fruit, and meat.

3) Rice is eaten more in which part of China?
In southern china

4) Why do Chinese people not eat a lot of milk & dairy products
Because of lactose intolerance

5) In a Chinese diet how many meals will contain rice?
All most every meal.
6) What happens to someone who does not eat all of their rice?
they will marry someone with a pimple-scarred face.

7) Every grain of rice is described as “a hardship of labour”. What do those words mean?
severe suffering or privation and work, especially physical work.

Definition:severe suffering or privation.
Definition:work, especially physical work.

8) What do you think is meant by “a hardship of labour” now?
It is hard

EXTRA) Do your family practice using tea or different herbs to help with health? If they do, tell me about them!

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