

Today for cybersmart we learnt about leaving positive and thoughtful comments.


In this task I had to differentiate between good and bad comments and also had to leave a example of a positive and thoughtful comment.see you next time flynn.

Karahwiua give it heaps

Welcome back to my blog.For term 3 this year the theme is Karahwiua give it heaps.The immersion assembly was done through Live-stream because the hall is getting renovated.For the term team 5 is learning about  putting in the effort to learn a new skill and my favourite part was Mr Wiseman calling himself the mad sigma rizzler.

this holidays where fun because I played games like Roblox and Fortnite. in the first week of the holidays I went to see in side out 2 it was a good movie but I won’t watch it again.After that I went up north to see my grandma and some cousins.Some goals I hope to achieve are to finish my work on time  and to hopefully get a bit fitter.poster


For inquiry this term my schools them is transformers.Witch means we transformers for a play or skit in a drama.For this play my group decided on Fire Fire.Witch is about a group of cavemen and women inventing fire and many other things.I think I needed to face the audience more and we all needed to memorise the lines.bye



This week in room 3 literacy has a task to make I remember poems of a time we where scared or surprised.

I wrote about a time i was scared but you have to read it to know what it is.


also i did a cad for the kings birthday and a facke one for me

  1. 3 sentences explaining our birthday work from Tuesday

To kick off Mana Ako Club this week we had fun planning our very own 21st birthday party.  We looked at our guest list, a possible theme, menu and more!


Today we are looking at King Charles birthday that was celebrated in NZ in the form of a public holiday.    We celebrate this because we are part of the commonwealth.


What is the commonwealth I hear you ask?  Well let me tell you.The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of 56 independent and equal countries in Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe and the to stuff.

I think it’s a good/bad idea for us to celebrate the King’s birthday because.we get a day off from school and work wich makes the week a bit better. 

In NZ as part of our celebrations we have the King’s Service Medal (created as the Queen’s Service Medal in 1975 and renamed in 2024).   It is a medal awarded by the government of New Zealand to recognise and reward volunteer service to the community and also public service in elected or appointed public office.  Thanks to the NZ Royal Honours site

Thanks to King’s Honours List 


In the morning of April 29th 2024 pt england school had their immersion assembly to start of term 2.The name of the subject we are doing is transformers (not the robots) symbolising the way they people transform themselves during a performance to portray the character.During the assembly there were lots of different performances displayed by the teachers and other staff as an example one of the plays where a seen from the movie matilda and another was guess the emotion.Some of the characters that were present in the skits were spider man,a solder,a Pharaoh and elastic girl.Hope this was a please to read babye.

Term 1 DLO








